At Infinyte, we value passion and ambition ferociously. In Madhur Jain, we found both. A student at the Indian Institute of Technology - Patna, Madhur is all things disciplined, diligent and dependable. Tell him to research a company and he will come back with a case study!
A proud President Awardee, his insightful posts have gained over 17 million views on LinkedIn! 🤯 During his time with the business team so far, Madhur has worked on scavenging and contextualising industry insights to help us get to the future of wealth, faster.
What got you interested in Infinyte?
As someone who loves working at the intersection of business and finance, Infinyte Club seemed like the perfect launchpad.
With founders and a founding team that has closely worked on building world-class products at scale, it was a no-brainer really. Especially because it’s super early days and the internship offered a first-hand experience at solving for builders of the startup ecosystem.
Infinyte wants to unlock incredible, exclusive wealth creation opportunities for builders of the modern, tech-age. What made you take up this challenge?
I firmly believe that access to wealth should not be limited to a chosen few and when I saw the mission statement of Infinyte, it’s something that I deeply related to.
Access to wealth creation opportunities for builders continues to remain a big, missing piece of the Indian startup jigsaw despite the tremendous growth these last few years, and given the team at work, it felt like a challenge worth taking up.
What have you learnt during your time so far?
The idea that interns only act as “helpers” to full-time folks was thrown out the door on the very first day at Infinyte. I was asked to do a business teardown, and while it may seem like being thrown at the deep end without ropes, I took it on as a challenge.

It wasn’t like I couldn’t ask for help, everyone here is always up on their toes to make life easier for you. But I felt like I was in the middle of a race with myself, and that I needed to up my game. So I decided to dive in. Going through 100s of resources, figuring out how the insights are relevant to our problem statement and finally putting everything in a way that is easy to chew — safe to say that it was a truly enriching learning experience.
Since then, I have learnt about different categories of investors, complex funding structures and even the broader regulatory environment and my learning curve is it’s something that I am super proud of.
What’s been your favorite moment at work?
This actually connects to the last question. This breakdown that I was assigned — while tough, my manager Vipul and I worked together in tandem to put a structure to it, before I filled in the gaps with research, all in the span of one day!
What more are you looking forward to learning, doing and executing at Infinyte?
I have already had the learnings of a lifetime here at Infinyte, and being able to work with Ankita, Joy and Vipul on GTM strategies, growth strategies, partnerships and investor relations is not something you get to do everyday as an intern. 🙂
However, there’s so much more to look forward to.
From how to reach an MVP as an early-stage startup to working with different stakeholders with different kinds of requirements and prioritising them in order, I could list down a number of things still left to learn and master.
In fact, the founders are super bullish on new tech like GPT, and that gives me the additional opportunity to get ahead of the curve before AI takes over the world (if it already hasn’t!).
Talk about the one Infinyte value you resonate with the most
“We are customer obsessed.”
If you talk to customers, be it potential or even current ones, the insights you get count for nothing if you don’t act on them. All of us at Infinyte are obsessed with making the finest customer experience, and seeing this happen day in day out from every nook and corner is a treat for the eyes.
Rapid Fire ⚡
→ Moniker at Infinyte and why: Though I was named Sheldon for my knowledge of a wide range of things, I don’t think I possess the qualities that made some viewers hate him with their life!
→ A fun fact about yourself: I have never pulled an all nighter despite only having a 6-hour sleeping schedule
→ Comfort food: Chole Bhature
→ Dogs/Cats: Can we choose plants instead? 🌿
→ Dream destination: Mount Kailash (no one has reached its peak in the modern age!)
→ An adjective to describe your relationship with money: Balance
→ OTT show(s) you're watching: Too much to do, too little time (this is not a series 😂)
→ Book(s) you're reading: The Cold Start Problem by Andrew Chen
→ How are you staying healthy/fit: I perform Yoga and meditate for at least one hour every morning