Priyansh epitomises everything that Infinyte stands for: diligence, an obsessive attention to detail, and always punching above our weight. He joined the Business team as an intern in the first week of March, and has since become an indelible part of the organisation.
Someone who loves getting his hands dirty no matter the responsibility being given to shoulder, a regular Monday for the boy from Darjeeling can constitute of anything from managing a seamless onboarding experience for our customers, to giving a live demo of our magic to founders and CXOs.
What got you interested in Infinyte?
Apart from the opportunity to work with a stellar founding team?
Two things.
The first: a chance to help solve the unique problem statement that Infinyte has taken upon itself; I mean, who can wake up every day and say they are going to create a million millionaires? 🤷♂️
And second: the fact that it’s going to be incredibly hard to solve this problem.

Infinyte wants to unlock incredible, exclusive wealth-creation opportunities for builders of the modern, tech-age. Why do you like this challenge?
Life is too short to not even try to do something groundbreaking and gravity-defying.
The problem statement taken up by Infinyte has been around for a while but the thing is, no one has really thought about solving it. Not in a way that makes a difference anyway. And that’s primarily because it seems seemingly impossible!
I believe most things that make our lives better today seemed impossible before someone went on and did it, and everyone at Infinyte seem like the special kind of crazy who don’t get bogged down by a challenge, but instead relish it.
The kind I could call my tribe.
What’s been your favorite moment at work?
We have a super transparent culture at Infinyte and so every week the entire team gets together to talk about what we’ve shipped, achieved, and what’s next in line at our Thursday “Demo Days”.
At the end of one of these meetings, our founders Joy and Ankita left us with a few concluding words that left a lasting impression.
The words were a reflection on the passion for what we are all doing as a collective, and while these could have been mere words in any other situation, in those few moments they became more than just words. The energy in the room was palpable, and I turned my head around to see everyone listening with rapt attention.
TL;DR: it was about what we as individuals, and together as a team can go on to achieve if all of us put in a 110% every time we showed up at work.
What have you learnt during your time so far?
Plenty! It’s been a steep learning curve from day one and I couldn’t be happier for it. While I took time during the first week to understand how to adapt to the pace at which we ship, there’s been no looking back since.
I now speak to and onboard founders onto our product, and that’s something that, looking back seems unreal. Ankita, Vipul and everyone else in the team was around to help me get to this point. Can you imagine it started with me shadowing them less than 3 weeks ago?
Not just that, I have learned how to effectively communicate with key stakeholders across the board including CFOs, how to develop GTM strategies and even financial modeling for new initiatives.
Each day at Infinyte has been a unique experience.
What more are you looking forward to learning, doing and executing at Infinyte?
It’s been a good ride so far. 🙂
As we move ahead, I’m excited to take on additional responsibilities that help me contribute more to the company’s growth.
More specifically, I’m eager to get a more defined role in the client-facing and business side of our operations. It’s something that I have already touched on a little, and enjoy doing. Here’s to grabbing opportunities!
Talk about the one Infinyte value you resonate with the most
“We are owners. Of our mission, our mindset, and our actions.”
I like to think of myself as a believer, and with Infinyte, I enjoy the act of working towards greatness and taking absolute ownership of all the highs and the lows. We thank our stars but do not blame them.
Rapid Fire ⚡
→ Moniker at Infinyte and why: The work, the products, and the vision at Infinyte are a beast, and to maneuver a beast you can only trust the Jockey 🏇
→ A fun fact about yourself: I rode to the highest lake in the country on my bike
→ Comfort food: Rajma Chawal
→ Dogs/Cats: Dogs, duh?
→ Dream destination: Mallorca, Spain
→ An adjective to describe your relationship with money: Liberation
→ OTT show(s) you're watching: Rewatching Seinfeld
→ Book(s) you're reading: Mindfulness, HBR Emotional Intelligence Series
→ How are you staying healthy/fit: Gym for life 🤌